UNIT 45 Reported speech (1) Exercises
45.1 Yesterday you ran into a friend of yours, Helen. Helen told you a lot of things. Here are some of the things she said to you:
1. I'm thinking of going to 8. I hardly ever go out these days.
live in France. 9. I work 14 hours a day
2. My father is in the hospital. 10. I'll tell Jim I saw you.
3. Sue and Jim are getting 11. You can come and stay with me if
married next month. you are ever in Toronto.
4. I haven't seen Bill for a while. 12. Tom had an accident last week, but he wasn't injured.
5. I've been playing tennis a lot lately. 13. I saw Jack at a party a few months ago,
and he seemed fine
6. Barbara has had a baby.
7. I don't know what Fred is doing.
Later that day you tellanother friend what Helen said. Use reported speech.
1. Helen said that she was thinking of going to live in France
2. Helen said that _____________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________
7. __________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________
11. ____________________________________________________________
12. ____________________________________________________________
13. ____________________________________________________________
45.2 In this exercise someone says something to you that is the opposite of what they said before.
You have to answer I thought you said . . .
Example: "That restaurant is expensive "I thought you said it wasn'terpensiye."
1. "Ann is coming to the party.'' ''I thought you said she________________________________''
2. ''Bill passed his exam.'' "I thought you said____________________________________''
3. "Ann likes Bill.'' "I thought_____________________________________________''
4. ''I've got many friends." "I thought you said you_____________________________________''
5. ''Jack and Karen are going to get married.'' ''_______________________________________''
6. "Tom works very hard.'' ''______________________________________________________''
7. ''I want to be rich and famous.'' ''__________________________________________________''
8. "I'll be here next week.'' ''_____________________________________________________''
9. "I can afford a vacation this year.'' ''_______________________________________________''
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